UNESCO Creative Cities Network Mission Statement

The aim of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, established in 2004, is to strengthen cooperation with and between cities that recognize creativity as a strategic factor of sustainable development in its economic, social, cultural and ecological aspects.

By joining the Network, cities recognize their commitment to sharing good practice, developing partnerships that promote creativity and cultural industries, increasing participation in cultural life and integrating culture into urban development plans.

Cities are committed to supporting United Nations programmes, in particular the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network brings together cities from seven creative fields: handicrafts and folk arts, media arts, film, design, gastronomy, literature and music.

Goals and spheres of activity

The objectives of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network are pursued both at the level of member cities and at the international level, in particular through the following spheres of activity:

  • usharing experiences, knowledge and good practices;
  • implementing pilot projects, partnerships and initiatives linking the public, private and civil society institutions;
  • arts exchange networks and programmes;
  • studies, research and evaluation processes analyzing the Creative Cities experience;
  • policies and measures taken to ensure the sustainable development of cities;
  • communication and awareness-raising activities.