
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In 2015, at the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was adopted, indicating  Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, which the international community should strive to achieve over the next fifteen years.

This is the first time that an international development agenda has included such an explicit direct reference to culture as an area with a direct impact on the standard of living of societies and individuals, on the possibilities of reducing areas of poverty and building civil societies.The implementation of UNESCO programs and conventions on the protection and promotion of cultural and natural heritage, as well as the development of cultural industries and programs carried out in cooperation with state governments, are crucial to the implementation of Agenda 2030.

Developments Goals

End Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Zero hunger
Eliminate hunger, achieve food security, provide better nutrition, promote sustainable agriculture
Good health and quality of life
Ensure that all people, regardless of age, live healthy lives and strive for well-being
Good quality education
Ensure quality inclusive education for all and promote lifelong learning
Equality gender
Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls
Clean water and sanitation
Ensure access to water and adequate sanitation for all people through sustainable management of water resources
Clean and available energy
Ensure that all people have access to stable, sustainable and modern energy sources at an affordable price
Economic growth and decent work
Promote an inclusive, sustainable growth model and full, productive employment and decent work for all
Innovation, industry, infrastructure
Build sustainable infrastructure that is resilient to the effects of disasters, promote a sustainable, inclusive economic development model, and foster innovation
Less inequality
Reduce development inequalities between and within countries
Sustainable cities and communities
Create safe, sustainable, disaster-resistant cities and human settlements.
Responsible consumption and production
Develop sustainable consumption and production models
Actions in climate field
Take urgent action to curb climate change and counter its effects
Life underwater
Ensure the protection of the oceans and seas and the sustainable use of their resources
Life on land
Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and promote sustainable use and management of forests, counteract desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Promote peaceful, inclusive, sustainable models of social development, ensure equal opportunities and fair treatment and access to justice for all people; build effective, accountable institutions at all levels
Partnerships for goals
Strengthen tools for implementing and rebuilding the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

What UNESCO places special emphasis on

High quality education and inclusive education as foundations for sustainable development
Protecting cultural heritage and countering illegal trade and transfer of artworks
Solving the educational crisis in with regard to science, mathematics, technology and engineering sciences
Investing in youth, providing them with access to quality education, and thereby preventing extremist and confrontational attitudes
The importance of freedom of expression and access to information and knowledge as a foundation for sustainable development
Gender equality and women’s empowerment as a condition for sustainable development and world peace