
Music NGOs

Fundacja Kultury Pozytywka

Our world will be what our children will build it. Therefore, our mission is to give children beauty, inspire their creativity and develop their curiosity about the world. All of this through art and culture, because we firmly believe that interacting with art makes people better. Scientific research also proves this. The Foundation organizes a festival every year throughout the city.

Stowarzyszenie Krzewienie Kultury – ScenaArt

ScenaArt Cultural Cultivation Association – a group of non-accidental people who want to support culture and art at the highest level, and integrate its unique audience!

Światłownia Foundation – Culture Without Barriers

A foundation that owns an art café with bard music. People with disabilities work at the Light House. They are among the people and this is the best rehabilitation for them. However, it works both ways. Our audience is not surprised that a concert is announced by a blind man with a white cane, and a waitress sometimes has mobility problems. Here we have true integration, a natural breaking down of barriers between the world of the so-called healthy and the so-called disabled. We direct some actions directly towards people with disabilities. Once a year we organize the Soul Sighted Festival, which brings blind and visually impaired artists. We gather a base of volunteers who can help the blind get to the office, cinema or store. We travel with lectures called Manual for the Blind to schools, offices, institutions. There we tell how to help and how not to hinder the blind. We also join in improving the laws of the disabled.

Stowarzyszenie Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Ziemia Bydgoska

It is one of the largest and oldest folk ensembles in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. Since 1958, it has represented the City of Bydgoszcz and the region of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship at many events, concerts, festivals at home and abroad, while being an undisputed leader among the Cultural Ambassadors of the Region in promoting Polish folk art and culture. The group is an association whose purpose is to maintain national tradition, cultivate Polishness and develop national, civic and cultural awareness.

Fundacja Mózg

The mission of the Foundation is to create opportunities for the broad development of contemporary art and its creators and audiences. We believe that art, especially contemporary art, is a tool for activating the hidden possibilities inside the brain to perceive and understand what surrounds us. In other words, we proceed from the assumption that art is not an end in itself, but is a tool for achieving other, deeper goals.

Fundacja Na Rzecz Młodzieży Muzykującej Viva Musica w Bydgoszczy

Description: Foundation at the A. Rubinstein Music School Complex, dedicated to organizing musical activities for children and young people.

Andrzej Szwalbe Heritage Association

We invite everyone who is close to the ideas and activities of the “visionary of culture and science” not only of our city but also of the entire region to join us.

New Art Wet Music Foundation

With the New Art Wet Music Foundation, we provide an opportunity for people interested in creative activity within the broad field of art and creative practice to interact. We provide a meeting space where people from different fields of activity take each other to completely new areas of activity.We want to initiate situations of mutual inspiration, support and exchange of experience, and regardless of geographical distance, bring people together and provoke an exchange of ideas.

Stowarzyszenie Towarzystwo Mozartowskie w Bydgoszczy

Since 2009 the main organizer of the Festival of Jacek Kaczmarski’s songs “The source still beats” in Bydgoszcz.

Towarzystwo Inicjatyw Kulturalnych

We initiated a number of artistic endeavors, many of them independently or with partners. Individual animation activity of individual members has intensified; some of them resigned from further affiliation with the ICT, several new ones have arrived. We are glad to see public interest in the activities of TIK, which is advertised monthly in the “Bydgoszcz Cultural Guide” and its achievements are described in the press on an ongoing basis.

Fundacja “Serca bicie”

The Foundation is responsible for organizing the Andrzej Zaucha Memorial Festival.

Kujawsko-Pomorski oddział Polskiego Związku Chórów i Orkiestr

The branch organizes numerous reviews, festivals, competitions and concerts of local, regional, national and international scope.

Stowarzyszenie Towarzystwo Muzyczne im. I. J. Paderewskiego

The oldest musical NGO operating in Bydgoszcz. The mission of the Association is to promote the work and activity of composers and performers, as well as the figure of the eminent Pole – Ignacy Jan Paderewski, through, among others, the organization of concerts and meetings dedicated to its patron, such as the most prestigious International Piano Competition named after I. J. Paderewski and the latest venture: Paderewski Piano Academy.

Stowarzyszenie Towarzystwo Mozartowskie w Bydgoszczy

The purpose of the society is to popularize the works of Mozart, with particular emphasis on piano music, and to strengthen ties between Polish and foreign musicians. (2) The Society may cooperate with other associations, organizations and other national and foreign entities pursuing similar objectives, if this does not violate the obligations arising from international agreements to which the Republic of Poland is a party.

Fundacja Duende Flamenco

It was established primarily to promote and support cultural ventures related to learning about different cultures.

Polska Orkiestra Muzyki Filmowej w Bydgoszczy

Symphony Orchestra which specializes in performing and recording film music.

Fundacja Art Mintaka

The foundation’s goal is to promote Polish chamber music, other arts, artists and their works, and to create a job market for artists.

Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne ElJazz

He is the organizer of artistic events such as; BYDGOSZCZ JAZZ FESTIVAL and EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF JAZZ.

Prof. Felicia Krysiewicz Opera Society Association.

A cultural association in Bydgoszcz, dedicated to the dissemination of opera culture and art, educating viewers and listeners to its proper reception and promoting young artists.

Foundation for Stage Creativity of Children and Youth “EDA ART”

Artistic Impresariat

Stowarzyszenie EMDEK

Youth Cultural Center No. 2 is an out-of-school educational institution that carries out educational, educational, cultural, preventive, caring, pro-health, sports and recreational tasks specified in the Law on the Educational System. We support family leisure patterns by organizing cultural undertakings and activities of mass character.